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our mission

Our mission is to facilitate the training and ​deployment of ambassadors for Christ both ​domestically and abroad in the last days by ​connecting likeminded churches and ​organizations with eager, prepared ​ambassadors ​for Christ.


Where We Started...

Since 1980 Campers from around the world have gathered to have an encounter with the Holy Spirit at TM Youth Camp. Many have been saved, healed, delivered, and encouraged during our Worship Services alone! The powerful presence of God is sure to meet you at your place of need and usher you into a life-changing experience.


Where We're Going...

In 2014, we added a weekend TM Children’s Camp which showed to have the same anointing over the 1st-5th graders as the Youth Camp had for years.


In 2018, we began two other missions under the TM Banner- TM Pastors & Leaders Camp as well as TM Global Missions. The anointing on both is to the strengthen the churches and grow the kingdom of God in these last days.

What we believe

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Jesus Christ came, died on ​the cross for our sins and ​self-resurrected. He lives ​and wants to save the ​entire world!

Believers must be baptized ​in water in Jesus name. ​(John 3:5, Acts 2:38, 10:44-​48, 19:1-6; Ephesians 4:5).


The Holy Ghost comes with ​power and when it falls on ​people they will speak ​with tongues. (Mark 16:16-​17, John 3:8, Acts 2:1-4, ​Galatians 4:6).


We believe in the infinity of God. He is ​Father, Son, Holy Ghost, Alpha, Omega, ​the Lamb, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah ​and whatever you need Him to be and his ​name is Jesus!


Holiness is a lifestyle and is ​required by God in public ​and private. (Hebrews ​12:4).

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