Frequently asked Questions
What is the mission of TM Missions & Outreach Training?
TM Global is a gospel-driven missions and evangelism training organization.
What does gospel-driven mean?
Being gospel-driven means we have and will do things to support the natural needs of a community where we minister, but our primary objective is the spiritual needs. The needs will be addressed before natural needs.
How do I get involved in TM Missions & Outreach Training?
There are different levels of involvement. You may become involved as a: Giver: You can donate to TM Missions & Outreach Training monthly or occasionally. The Go-Person: Starting in the 2023 we will offer trainings to short term missionaries and outreach evangelist. We will also have short-term assignments (from 2-4 weeks) upon completion of the training, as well as the potential for longer assignments. Prayer Supporter: Will you pray with us? We believe prayer reaches every single situation! If you commit to praying with us, we will send you prayer points as the organizational needs, missions and missionaries have needs. ​