THE TM missionaRY
to japan
Having the boldness to follow God to a land that is far from your home because the Lord sent you, is something that is to be celebrated. All proceeds go 100% to the missionary. You may also donate to TM and we will distribute the donation as you direct.
In a country that is less than 1% Christian, missionaries with a heart to serve are desperately needed. Maxwell first went to Japan in May of 2024 with TM Global. By July, he knew this is where God called him to be. He has sold his car and applied to multiple jobs in Japan. He is also getting his TESOL so he be a teacher there. He anticipates being in Japan by the Spring of 2025.
In this picture you see Maxwell, in red, assisting with a baptism in the Pacific Ocean.
Please know that 100% of your donations will go towards to the work of the Lord that Maxwell is doing. TM does not receive any of the money donated via the link above.